The factory is silent. Its assembly line stands motionless. Somewhere off in the darkness, a buzzer sounds. One by one, lights begin to flicker and illuminate on long-unmanned diagnostic panels, giving a sense of enormity and complexity and scale to the machinery. The low hum of power supplies warming up comes next, followed by the higher and louder whine of turbines and electric motors. A whistle sounds, and one by one, employees begin to file in and take their places at the controls. Purposed for a single task, whose time has now come, the factory slowly comes to life...

Friday, May 16, 2014


As you can probably tell, having two instead of one has diminished my ability to post anything worthwhile, and the last post I managed was when James turned one.

He will be three in August.

However, there's a post brewing in my brain because we are on the edge of...something right now. Stay tuned.