The factory is silent. Its assembly line stands motionless. Somewhere off in the darkness, a buzzer sounds. One by one, lights begin to flicker and illuminate on long-unmanned diagnostic panels, giving a sense of enormity and complexity and scale to the machinery. The low hum of power supplies warming up comes next, followed by the higher and louder whine of turbines and electric motors. A whistle sounds, and one by one, employees begin to file in and take their places at the controls. Purposed for a single task, whose time has now come, the factory slowly comes to life...

Monday, June 23, 2008

From Aaliyah to Zula

Craig and I discussed baby names a little bit yesterday. We did some web browsing and talked about what was stupid (yeah, we know "Nevaeh" is "Heaven" spelled backwards; it's still stupid, unless you're dyslexic) and what wasn't (nice average names like Harry and John, et al.) and what celebrities we have to thank for ruining our baby name choices (like Violet: thanks a lot Ben Affleck, you biter. Watching us get engaged, and then proposing to and marrying your chick before we got married, and then popping out a baby too wasn't enough for you?), and just how cruel it would be to name our child "Collin."

We found this page really interesting graphically, and it allows you to see the interesting trends of when names were popular:

The Baby Name Wizard: Name Voyager

We also didn't realize it, but the Social Security Administration keeps track of popular baby names year by year too! Who says the Government doesn't have a fun, human side?

From that list we noticed that a good number of the top 10 male names last year were all names that could be found on "Lost"! Coincidence? We're looking at you, Widmore!

After that, suitably drained, we decided we could at least wait until we discovered the sex of the baby before trying to narrow it down! (We did briefly consider "gender neutral" names: Leslie, Marion, Jesse, etc. but we couldn't think of one good enough to actually use...)

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